Right now, a big part of things is getting back into my process because the last few years have been so disruptive to things. With the f-i-l gone (and, yeah, he’s probably going to get mentioned a lot as I work through things), I’m having to relearn not just my writing process, but the rythmn than my life. I’m also realizing that who I was then is not the same as who I am now or who I thought I would be when we reached this stage. So, some things that worked for a long time, don’t work now and I’m having to figure out what’s going on.

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I have the beginning of a story idea for this that I’m excited about jumping into. My problem is that I’m torn because I haven’t finished revisions to my old, so-close-to-complete novel. I do not have a regular habit of writing (something I hope to change by doing this), so I feel like if I’m going to dedicate time to writing, shouldn’t it be to finish the old thing rather than start a new thing? So far this feeling has me doing very little work towards either one.

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You can revise the old one while we’re in Discovery.

Or it can wait until this draft is done and proving in the drawer (which is just a few months from now.)

But here’s a spoiler about how this works; you can’t do it wrong. That’s why you’re frozen. Creative processes are messy by nature. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

The whole point of this is to help you figure out how you work best. There is no fail state.

How does that thought make you feel?

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Relieved and hopeful, thank you. I may need “there is no fail state” on my bathroom mirror. Or my forehead. 😂

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Hardest part anxiety that is spicing up my every move currently. And the fact that the feeling isn’t logical. How something you want, have always wanted also makes you afraid.

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The hardest part for me will be finding my characters again after so many years. In a world I haven’t stepped into for so long. I did buy a candle that reminds me of that world. I’m hoping to burn it in the discovery phase of things.

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I've spent the last more than a decade and a half spending all of my creative energy writing lectures and lesson plans, and just letting all of my creative ideas germinate and grow in my head without having the time or sometimes energy to get them written down, other than the list of ideas I have to work on. Sometimes I add something new to each of these worlds, or characters, or plots, but they mostly live in my head. I'm out of practice writing fiction. I'm a little nervous about producing my shitty first draft because I've gotten really good at history lectures, and I've continued to read all kinds of writing (so my taste is well-developed).

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Can I ask you your favorite time in history? Or the moments in history that most pull you in and captivate you?

History is a fun subject and it’s super cool you teach it!

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My specialization is more twentieth century, I in particular love the period between the two world wars pretty much anywhere in the world, though I am an Americanist (the 1930s most specifically) but I am a jack of many trades in order to fill needs at various history departments.

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It’s hard to remember all those writers you love also start with a shitty first draft.

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Beginning without dragging along the negative voices of my previous publishing experience. Or, maybe more accurately, beginning and hearing the right voices that want me to and know I can succeed.

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Gosh, those voices can make for a hell of a haunting.

I’d like to be a voice that tells you that your story matters.

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You’re not kidding.

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I like that. Hearing the things and the voices you need right now.

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I haven't written anything in about a month+-. I have a few ideas for scenes or what to go back and add, but when it comes to actually opening the document and writing it's just not there - whatever "it" is. Motivation, focus, I'm honestly not sure. But this is far from the first time I've ridden this out & I doubt it will be the last time 🤷‍♀️

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For me community helps here, because of the accountability to others. Where I show up for you and then magically it also works to help me.

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I wholly agree! My primary writing group seems to all be in the same lull at the moment😆 But I am finding that having this community as well helps, and really looking forward to the actual challenge getting underway.

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