Hey, Runners!
We are six weeks out from the beginning of this challenge, and I know what’s ahead of you. I know it’s awesome, and I know that it’s rewarding, and at least for me it’s been life-changing, but there’s one other thing it can also be:
Kinda boring.
We run from Sept 9—June 13! Subscribe today to be one of the runners and get your novel, or other long-form fiction project, written this year!
Changing your life is surprisingly dull
Look, we’ve all done it. New year, new you, the excitement of the “Yay!” followed by the daily blah of, “This again?”
It’s the classic boom-bust cycle of real change; it’s kind of a grind.
And if you’ve written a novel before, or started and stopped halfway through, you know how this works.
This is why in the Running of the WIPs, we’ll have a full Discovery process which includes creative exercises like collages, Discovery writing, and building playlists to help give you a lot of starter energy to fuel you through the more grindy parts.
But it occurred to me that there’s no reason to wait until the class starts for us to start building up energy, so I started our official 2024 Running of the WIPs soundtrack.
Even better: You’re going to help me build it.
Today’s Comments Assignment:
List 1-3 songs that energize and inspire you, and I’ll add them to the rotWIPs 2024 soundtrack!
I love the idea of all of us contributing our excitement and energy to a playlist that will get us all ready to get started. Once again, there are few problems in this life to which community isn’t at least part of the answer.
All added! Keep 'em coming!
Hello hello hello - remi wolf
Bang Bang Kut Hugo ..
Overwhelmed Ryan Mack
There are soooo many - I started last night still not sure I have the top 3 😀