Hey, Runners!
It’s almost time. We’re just a few days away from the start of The Running of the WIPs, and I can feel the energy building. You’ve been thinking about that novel for ages, right? The one that keeps tugging at the edges of your mind, begging to be written? Well, guess what?
It’s go time. (Almost.)
We run from Sept 9—June 13! Subscribe today to be one of the runners and get your novel, or other long-form fiction project, written this year!
No writer left behind
Writing a novel can feel like a solitary marathon, but here’s the deal: you’re not doing this alone. When we start running on September 9, you’re not just signing up to put words on the page. You’re joining a community—a squad of fellow writers who are all in this together, ready to support each other every step of the way.
No one gets left behind here. We’re not just racing to the finish line; we’re running alongside each other, making sure everyone gets there.
Are you going to fall behind? Yes.
Doesn’t matter.
Is life going to interfere, making it impossible to write for a few days, a week, a month? Yes.
Doesn’t matter.
Are you going to have moments of doubt, and wonder why you even signed up for this stupid thing in the first place?
It doesn’t matter.
The timeline here is just about when I release the material to you. You go at your own pace. The material and the community will be waiting for you when you’re ready to return to it.
And here’s where the race metaphor doesn’t apply: No matter where you are in your process, and no matter where anyone else is, you’re never left behind. Everyone in the community will always be right beside you.
Today’s Comments Assignment:
What’s the one thing you’re most excited about as we get ready to start? And if there’s something you’re nervous about, share that too. Let’s talk it out in the comments.
Once a runner, always a runner
The Running of the WIPs isn’t about one novel; it’s about all of them.
We’ll be working through a structured process that’s flexible enough to adapt to your unique style but strong enough to keep you moving forward. It’s about progress, not perfection. We’ll write, we’ll revise, we’ll keep going.
And at the end of it all, you’ll have something real—something you can hold in your hands and say, “I did that.”
And you’ll have an understanding of your process that means you’ll know what to do when the next idea grabs you by your shirt collar in the middle of the night and shakes you awake, demanding to be written.
In three days, we run
You’ve got this. And more importantly, you’ve got us. We’re here to help you push through the rough patches, celebrate the victories (big and small), and keep you moving toward that finish line.
In three days, the next big adventure of your life begins.
Let’s make this the year you finally write that novel. Together, we’re going to create something amazing.
See you at the starting line.
I'm excited to make a whole new thing that I really only know very small pieces of at the moment
I’m most excited to step foot into the world I started building 6 years ago. It’s been way too long and I can’t wait to set up camp there for the next year.